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Our Five Favourite Twists In Cinema

While many films leave a lasting impression with their compelling characters and breath-taking visuals, it's the unexpected twists that truly elevate the cinematic experience. From jaw-dropping revelations to mind-bending plot turns, here's five of our favourites:

Spoilers ahead! Read on at your own discretion...


1. "The Sixth Sense" (1999):

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, "The Sixth Sense" is renowned for its iconic twist ending that rewrote the rules of supernatural thrillers. Throughout the film, we follow child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) as he attempts to help a troubled young boy named Cole (Haley Joel Osment) who claims to see dead people. However, it's not until the final moments that the true twist is revealed, leaving audiences gasping in disbelief and prompting immediate rewatches to catch all the subtle clues they may have missed.


2. "Fight Club" (1999):

David Fincher's "Fight Club" is a cinematic tour de force that challenges societal norms and blurs the lines between reality and illusion. As the film unfolds, we are drawn into the chaotic world of an insomniac office worker (Edward Norton) who forms an underground fight club with the charismatic Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). However, it's only in the climactic revelation that we discover the shocking truth about the nature of their relationship, leading to one of the most memorable twists in film history.


3. "The Usual Suspects" (1995):

Bryan Singer's "The Usual Suspects" is a masterclass in deception and misdirection, with a twist ending that leaves viewers questioning everything they thought they knew. The film follows a group of criminals brought together for a heist, but it's the enigmatic figure of Keyser Söze that looms large over the narrative. As the story unfolds through the perspective of a sole survivor (Kevin Spacey), the true identity of Keyser Söze is revealed in a jaw-dropping finale that reshapes the entire narrative landscape.


4. "Psycho" (1960):

Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" is a timeless classic that continues to haunt audiences with its psychological thrills and unexpected twists. The film follows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) as she checks into the secluded Bates Motel, only to encounter its mysterious proprietor, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins). However, it's the shocking revelation about Norman's true identity and motivations that cements "Psycho" as one of the greatest twists in cinematic history, forever changing the way audiences perceive the horror genre.


5. "The Prestige" (2006):

Christopher Nolan's "The Prestige" is a mesmerizing tale of rivalry and obsession set against the backdrop of the 19th-century world of stage magic. As two magicians (played by Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale) engage in a bitter feud, the film explores themes of sacrifice and deception, culminating in a twist ending that upends everything we thought we knew about the characters and their motivations. With its intricate plotting and mind-bending revelations, "The Prestige" stands as a testament to Nolan's skill as a filmmaker and storyteller.


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