A major Isle of Wight housing development could be given the green light next week to build 70 homes on a greenfield site.
Plans to extend the recently constructed Burt Close scheme in Shalfleet have been with the Isle of Wight Council for nearly two years and could include 27 affordable homes.
The proposals have received more than 90 objections with concerns being raised about the urbanisation of Shalfleet, ‘no need’ for housing and the impact it may have on nearby protected ancient woodland.
The application will be decided by the Isle of Wight Council’s planning committee at a meeting on Tuesday, March 5, but officers are recommending the proposals are approved, subject to 24 conditions.
In their decision report, officers say the proposed housing would benefit the village as the additional footfall would help keep rural service like the local shop, pub and community facilities and pupils to the primary school.
Overall the houses would make a meaningful contribution to those needed in the West Wight, officers said, and the development would be of high quality, paying due regard to the village.
Planning documents have said there is a ‘medium’ potential for Palaeolithic, Roman and Medieval remains at the site and a staged programme of archaeological works would be a condition of the planning permission if it is approved.
The site proposed for housing is not designated for ecology reasons but is next to Pondclose Copse which is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and ancient woodland.
A 15-metre landscape buffer has been included as part of the plans between the houses and the woodland and, officers say, would protect, conserve and enhance ecology and biodiversity.
Through the plans, an existing right of way could be formalised, connecting Warlands Lane and Main Road, through a £70,000 contribution.
Nearby heritage assets would not be harmed by the development, officers say, but there would be ‘harm’ significantly changing the views and character of the area.
Weighing up the benefits, officers have said the harmful impact would be outweighed by the delivery of new housing in a suitably sustainable location and considered the development acceptable.