Using a few everyday store cupboard ingredients Sara Whatley and the kids make playdough for the perfect chilly winter afternoon activity
My children, actually I think all children, cannot resist squishing playdough. The limitless creations they can mould, the soothing tactile nature of a warm pliable form in their hand, I mean, what’s not to love? What is even better is making your own playdough. Children then get the added bonus of measuring ingredients and mixing a potion too! Unbeknownst to them you are tapping into their maths skills, hand-eye coordination, capacity for following instructions and building their confidence in their own abilities.
As well as coloured playdough we also made some with just glitter to create our own sparkling winter snowmen.
8 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp table salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil
60ml warm water
Food colouring and glitter
First mix the flour and salt together in a bowl. In a separate bowl mix the oil, water and a few drops of food colouring, if using. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix well until all combined. Dust your worktop with a little flour and kneed the playdough until it is soft and pliable. If you want to make glitter playdough sprinkle it in while you kneed and fold. Then play!
Flatten out a piece of playdough then press objects into it to make a print. Try pinecones, woody leaves and pine needle branches, coins or even Lego figures. Let the playdough air dry or pop it into a low oven for 10-15 mins to harden. Then paint it (especially nice to do if you don’t put food colouring into it), varnish and keep it.
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