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Mixed Feedback For Proposed 14-House Northwood Development

A bid to build 14 houses on land near an Isle of Wight village has provoked mixed responses from parish and town councils in the area.

Northwood Parish Council objected to the application for 14 residential units on land at Comforts Farm off Pallance Road on the edge of Northwood, while the neighbouring Cowes Town Council said it is not opposed to the plan.

The proposal for outline planning permission was submitted to the Isle of Wight Council on October 24 under the names Downer and Long, the current owners of Comforts Farm.

It comprises three house types: four two bed semi-detached, eight three bed detached and two three bed semi-detached.

Also included is a vehicle access next to the existing road entrance to the farm and a driveway inside the site which would be behind a line of trees looking onto Pallance Road.

Northwood Parish Council objected on three grounds: the development would be outside of a settlement boundary, its location is “unsustainable” with no footway and a road described as “very dangerous” for pedestrians and there are safety concerns to be had over a new access creating more traffic.

The authority added if the application is approved a legally binding agreement between the applicant and County Hall should contain, “at the applicant’s expenses”, safety measures detailed in a letter sent to the leader of the Isle of Wight Council, Phil Jordan, last week.

They include a reduced speed limit, improved safety signage and the installation of speed indicators.

Cowes Town Council made no objections to the application but said it “hopes pedestrian safety can be considered” by linking the pavement between Woodside Close and Pallance Road.

In a Design and Access Statement prepared on behalf of the applicants, Island-based town planning consultancy Phil Salmon Planning said:

"The proposed site has become surplus to agricultural need.

“Given the position of the site close to Pallance Road, and its location in relation to the defined settlement boundary of Cowes, the landowners wish to bring the site forward for housing development, based on principles of effective and contextual design, safe access, highways and public transport gain and environmental enhancement.

“The Comforts Farm owners wish to provide four new houses for family members who wish to live in the area as well as providing for wider local need.

“This is the type of site that should be promoted for the Isle of Wight to meet its housing needs targets, both current and future.”

A public consultation on the proposal will end on December 20 and County Hall is due to reach a decision on February 20.

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