A training facility for HGV Class 1 professional drivers could be coming to Whippingham.
A council land sale at the key Isle of Wight employment site, which could create around 115 transport and logistics jobs, is going ahead.
Last Thursday, Cllr Julie Jones-Evans, cabinet member for economy, regeneration, culture and leisure, approved the heads of terms of sale of the freehold interest in Plot A2 and Plot B at the Island Technology Park (ITP) to deliver company Island Distribution Ltd (IDL)
She decided to leave the approval of the sale’s final terms to Colin Rowland, strategic director of community services, who will continue to consult with her.
IDL said jobs created by the sale and the business’s resulting expansion would have higher than minimum wage salaries and would be available to local people.
The company also said it hopes to create a ‘Class 1 Professional Drivers’ training facility following the transaction due to a shortage of Class 1 drivers in the UK.
In a report proposing the sale at the Whippingham site, the council said:
“This is a sale of council owned land for business expansion, employment and regeneration.
“The council purchased ITP from the Housing and Communities Agency for exactly this purpose.
“The sale will secure the expansion of IDL in a single location and will enable further investment and improvements to their existing site at Merstone.”
The document also said young people and future generations will benefit from the new jobs and training opportunities.
East Cowes Town Council and Whippingham Parish Council were both made aware of the proposal, with an objection subsequently made that the site should be kept for technology and employment purposes.
In response, the council said it marketed the site for technology use for a number of years to no avail and consequently had to consider other employment uses.
County Hall also received a request from Whippingham Parish Council that there should be a line of trees along the frontage of Plot B facing Whippingham Road, a point that has been included in the heads of terms as a requirement for IDL to fulfil.