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Ventnor Nursing Home Residents Forced Out With Closure Looming

An Isle of Wight nursing home has announced it will close — forcing 18 residents to find somewhere else to live.

Ward House Nursing Home, on Alpine Road in Ventnor, revealed it intended to close its doors last week, announcing the news with a “heavy heart.”

In a post, it said all residents under its care were being assessed and alternative placements are being identified:

“We will continue to provide care for residents safely until their transfer.

“From all the staff we have been honoured to be part of their lives and wish them and their families and friends the very best.”

The Isle of Wight Council has said it was informed of the decision on January 11 and staff told on January 15.

A council spokesperson said the home is working with its 18 residents and their families to ensure they are aware of the closure.

The authority has met with the owners of Ward House to offer its full support to residents, their families and staff of the home.

The spokesperson said:

“The council is assisting residents of the home and their families and will continue to do so over the forthcoming weeks and months.

“A full review of residents’ needs will be undertaken as the first task, involving their families and advocates.

“Once these reviews are completed, the council will support all residents, including those who it does not fund, to find suitable alternative provision where their identified needs can be met.

“This will be undertaken in a structured, coordinated and safely applied approach that will continue to support residents through this transition.”

The nursing home is run by a company of the same name — Ward House Limited — registered in London.

A final closure date has not been confirmed.

According to the Care Quality Commission, the nursing home was last visited in December 2022 where is it was deemed it ‘required improvement’.

There were concerns over the safety of residents and the management of the home but residents and their family members gave the care watchdog positive feedback and said staff were kind and caring.

Ward House has been contacted for a statement.

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