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Southern Vectis Signs Up To Government Accessibility Initiative

Southern Vectis is backing a campaign, launched by the Department for Transport, which is designed to make buses more accessible for those with disabilities. 

The ‘Everyone’s Journey’ initiative aims to change people’s behaviour by helping them recognise the challenges faced by disabled people on public transport. 

“Buses and other public transport are at the heart of how many of us live our lives - helping us get to work, school or college, healthcare commitments, and social events,” said Southern Vectis managing director, Andrew Wickham. 

“At Southern Vectis, we want public transport to be truly inclusive, and disabled people to be able to travel as confidently as other passengers.

"At present many of those with disabilities — some of which we can’t necessarily see — don’t feel confident to use public transport.

“We focus on the challenges many disabled people face when travelling by bus when we carry out our driver training.

“We also ensure our new buses have lighter coloured floors because we have been told that this makes travelling easier for those with dementia.

"We hope this latest campaign will encourage us all to make the changes needed to create a more supportive travel environment for disabled customers.”

For more information, visit gov.uk/everyonesjourney

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