On Air Now School Daze with Jenni Costello 6:00pm - Midnight A1 - Caught In The Middle Schedule

Ryde Gym Fined For Coronavirus Lockdown Breach

A gym in Ryde has been fined for a breach in coronavirus lockdown rules, according to the Isle of Wight Council.

Cllr Gary Peace, cabinet member for community safety and digital transformation, confirmed the first fixed penalty notice had been issued on the Island.

He was speaking in a meeting of the council's Local Outbreak Engagement Board.

He said that two people have been issued a fixed penalty of £1,000.

Those at the gym, at the time, have also been fined by police.

Cllr Peace said:

"As a council our environmental health teams, in conjunction with local police, have issued our first fixed penalty notice against a business, gym in Ryde. Two individuals have been issued with a fixed penalty notice of £1,000 each. The members of the gym present have also been issued with fixed penalty notices by police. 

"That comes back to behaviour - people not doing what they're supposed to be doing and down to the gym not acting in accordance with local lockdown procedures."

The name of the gym has not yet been revealed. 

Businesses that breach coronavirus ruled could be fined up to £10,000 in court.

We've asked the Isle of Wight Council and Hampshire Constabulary for a comment.

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