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Ryde Firefighters Recognised For 40 Years Combined Service

Firefighters Mark Grimes and Rob Hunnybun have been recognised for their dedicated, long service within the fire service on the Isle of Wight.

The pair were presented with their 20-year long service and good conduct medals by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Steve Apter.

Mark joined the service in October 1999 - at the age of just 18 - as a retained firefighter in Freshwater, and for some years was the youngest firefighter on the Island. He subsequently joined Ryde whole time in 2011.

Rob joined as a retained firefighter at Ryde Station in February 2001, moving to whole time in 2010. Both firefighters trained under the expert guidance of DCFO Apter, in his then position of Sub Officer in the Training Department.

With the awards ceremony being delayed over the last year, both Mark and Rob personally requested that their medals be presented by DCFO Apter, as he had played such a big part of their 20 years service.

This was also Deputy Chief Fire Officer Apter’s last official appointment prior to his retirement at the end of this month.

Mark said:

“Since training in 1999, DCFO Apter has always been there to support me throughout my career and my recent return to work following a period of sickness, so it means a lot to have him present our medals.”

Rob said:

"It was an honour and privilege to have been presented my medal by DCFO Apter."

During the presentation, DCFO Apter stated that he was honoured to be presenting their awards on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, and spoke of the commitment that Mark and Rob had given to their communities, with the support of their families.

The pair both served their 20 years working for the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, and now proudly wear the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service badge. 

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