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Isle Of Wight Records Further Five Coronavirus Hospital Deaths

Five more people have passed away at the Isle of Wight's hospital having contracted COVID-19.

Figures published today (Thursday) show one death came on the Monday (18), two on Tuesday (19) and two yesterday (20).

NHS England data records the number of coronavirus-related deaths at St Mary's Hospital. 

Today's rise means 43 people have now passed away with covid in all settings on the Island this month (January).

There have now been 97 deaths at St Mary's, linked to the illness, since the start of the pandemic.

Separate data published earlier shows 54 people have now passed away in the community on the Island, as Isle of Wight Radio previously reported

Since the pandemic began, 151 people have died here having testing positive.

Figures released yesterday (Wednesday) show the rate of new cases on the Island is continuing to fall.

An additional 138 cases of coronavirus were registered on the Island in yesterday's total.

The Island's seven-day rolling average, per 100,00, is now at 710.3.

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