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Isle Of Wight Council Promises Greener Public Sector Investments

The Isle of Wight Council has announced plans to make its public sector investments greener by moving them away from fossil fuels.

The announcement marks the latest step towards the council's 'Mission Zero' goal of achieving a zero-carbon Island by the year 2040 — ten years before the government target.

As an environmental leader, and to help it achieve net-carbon zero in its own operations by 2030, the council has vowed to conduct a full review of all its investments with a view to divesting money away from activities that cause environmental harm.

Cllr Jonathan Bacon, cabinet member for the environment, explained:

"We're already progressing work to evaluate the current carbon footprint of the pension fund. 

"Once this has been established the pension fund committee will consider all options available on how best to reduce the fund's carbon footprint, while meeting its legal obligations to the members of the scheme.

"Our aim is to eradicate environmental harm as soon as practically possible."

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